Saturday, March 26, 2011

posting writting

I just wanted to say, mostly in case i forget and do it anyway. I was telling mudder just thursday that i had run into some stuff i wrote like in my twenties i think. that i was thinking of posting them every now and againish. but now ben has done it. not only is his so way much better, i don't want him to think i was copy-ing him. just thought i'd through that out there.
oh and ben, i watched a movie called "Wild Target"... loved it. just a simply little comedy that so reminded me of you. i mean that like myself you would probably really apprciate the humor. not roll on the floor funny but subtle frickin funny, you know?
anyway, later.


  1. and if to totally nail my point in the ground i put through it out there instead of throw, yeah, dumbass.

  2. You should totally post your writing. That would be awesome. The one I posted is something I barely wrote. I said it was from an unpublished manuscript, but I meant that as a joke. (In hindsight, I guess I'm not sure why I thought that would be funny.)

    As for Wild Target, I hadn't heard of it, but I've now added it to my Netflix queue. It's always nice to have a recommendation. I look forward to it, especially now that I know Ron Weasley is in it. (Joking, although I'll be interested to see him in something different.)

  3. I'm sure I put a comment on here...???!!!??????hmmm?????
    Anyway, I love what you've done with the place..very exciting photos and the colors all work so well together. This is really great.
    You must really enjoy it. I do.

  4. I might have to see this movie...

  5. thanks to you all and ben, i got the joke i loved it but it was also a hell of a piece of writting. k maybe i'll post one tomorrow. yeah like i said i really liked it but it is just a simple little comedy with subtle humor. loved it, and ron was my favorite and now that i've seen him in something else, i thought he did a great job. you'll laugh.

  6. Nice to see you out here.... I promise! I'll get those pics up there someday.... I'm horrible with snail mail and apparently driving as well... let me know when you're around and I'll run up...

  7. I was going to say I'd love to read your writing... but I'm a little late and it looks like something's already there? I'll go read it...


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