Wednesday, April 27, 2011


ok i tried to post this review on which again you all should check out. and please don't not check it out because of this review because they're usually shorter and better, specially everyone elses. seriously. we're all on there too, so pls check it out, add your input, it's awesome. never had this happen before but can't get it to post so just to be the obstinate bastard that i am i'm going to post it here. thank ya, thank ya very much!

ok, we've been on a documentary kick..... this movie is about Greta Garbo (Greta Guffstatsen) 1905-1990. i could write a book here so i'll try to be brief. this is about her life and the effects of movie history on her and by her. it is fantastic and very imformative, especially if you're into this sort of thing, which I am. her career ended at age 36 when she quit but said she would come back at a later time. of course breen (see pre-code movies) made sure her last footage was a screen test on 5/25/49. which she looked beautiful and full of life in. this of course was brought about by his assinine views of women but mostly was contributed to her film queen christina (which to me would be the real first movie to have women kiss, so personally, good for fricken her! and she played a bi-sexual another first as well and dressed in pants).. but ironically even more so by the film Karinena. garbo felt camile was her best performance. she played oposite john gilbert (which they didn't allow to even be mentioned in the trailor) and joseph breen even managed to get a scene where she walks around the room looking at all the art and comments on it out of the movie because that implied they had slept together. but the final scene is her standing perfectly still at the head of the boat. she is radiating overwhelming emotion and she isn't even moving. proving once again that "you didn't need all those words when you had garbos eyes". this is now considered a masterpiece btw.  and thus we were robbed of her contributions from 1949 or later.
there is alot of information in this documentary and i am so tempted to make a huge review but will digress. a few things. she was a very private person that tried very hard to distance herself from the studio, she couldn't return to live in sweeden because it was to hard to hide. there was only one press conference with her and that was pleading to leave her alone. there was one interview they called the one word interview because the poparazzi jumped on the running board of her car and she said damn!
sufficeth to say, she got screwed by the studio especially breen (he was good at that) making her view of the studios as unhuman. she was private and that made her all the more wanted by the public. she was in the last silent movie 1929 "the kiss". she had talent, she even played an english woman with a russian accent, this was grand hotel 1932, her acting mirrored the publics image of her real self but per family the first comedy 1939 "Ninotchka" was the closest version of her true self. (which after the studio screwed her they tried to duplicate this and couldn't).
one last thing: she was an actress women loved and men hated. i respect her immensly if for no other reason than she refused to do "diamonds" the studio tried to force her and she told them to deport her and then called in sick everyday (while attending all views etc.... blatently) and only renewed her contract if the studio agreed to make queen christina.
(she was 12% of the studio income through her career.)

1 comment:

  1. You have peaked my interest here for sure. Garbo was was before my time so I've never even seen much of her. It was apparant that she was a woman of mystery and very private. It would be really cool to have a Garbo night and watch a few shows.
    You always find things that make me want to know more as well as it is very interesting that you discover things that are so not in your time frame, like Garbo.


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